Be part of the adventure to save our planet—help fund Earth Island Odyssey and inspire climate champions worldwide.

  • We’re developing a community of like-minded creatives, researchers, educators, and scientists who want to use their expertise for the good of the planet. Your donation helps them do that.

  • Connect us with foundations or philanthropists concerned with the climate scrisis. If it’s who-you-know, you can help.

  • Share to Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or BlueSky. One person you reach out there might help tip the scales.

  • Your donation fuels creative climate solutions—one player, one community at a time.

Earth Island Odyssey is sponsored by Connected Universe, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation is tax-deductible.

Join us to create a generation of eco-heroes. Your support makes Earth Island Odyssey possible.

Thank you!

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